Greetings from the President
Further creativity and ingenuity, we will contribute to the creation of a prosperous future society that is supported by safe and secure social infrastructure.

Kenji Oshima
Shutoko Technology center
The Shutoko Technology Center has already had 40 years of experience, including its predecessor foundation.
This Center was originally established to provide technical support for the construction and maintenance of the Metropolitan Expressway, which is being promoted by the Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation.
The length of the Metropolitan Expressway, which was 158km when the Center was established, has extended to about 327km with the opening of the Yokohama Northwest Line, and more than 30% of routes are over 50 years old, and being aged
Therefore, we are currently responsible mainly for state-of-the-art maintenance and management technology such as soundness diagnostic assessment and asset management system to ensure “safety and security” against the aging of Metropolitan Expressway structures.
In addition, we have set up the Structural Technology Research Laboratory and the Digital Innovation Research Laboratory to conduct research and development in order to improve the efficiency of maintenance and management, advance disaster prevention technology, and respond to the accelerating digitalization.
We will continue to grasp the needs of our customers accurately, improve our skills based on the technology we have cultivated through the construction, maintenance and management of the Metropolitan Expressway, and provide value that is useful to society by providing good quality and services that meet the expectations of our customers. We would like to create and contribute to the prosperous future of our country.
We appreciate your understanding and kind support to us.
July 2023
Basic principle
While effectively utilizing the technology and knowledge cultivated at the site of construction and management of the Metropolitan Expressway, by evolving and developing with further creativity and ingenuity, we will contribute to the creation of a prosperous future society that is supported by safe and secure social infrastructure.
Five core businesses and Techinical consulting
By making the most of the technology and experience we have accumulated since our founding in 1983, we will achieve digital transformation (DX) such as ICT by 2030, roughly 10 years from now. At the same time, we aim to contribute to society more broadly by utilizing cutting-edge technology and the latest structural technology, deepening our five core businesses, and strengthening technical consulting.
Investigation and Diagnosis of Road Structures
In order to diagnose the soundness of road structures, it is necessary to grasp the damage situation in detail. In our company, professional engineers with inspection qualifications carry out consistently detailed investigations from planning, site assessment, and reports.
Furthermore, by conducting FEM analysis and experiments as necessary, we investigate the cause of damage and propose repair measures.
Road Infrastructure Asset Management
We provide operational support for information management (asset management) according to the scale and type of road infrastructure. Comply with the process (data governance) of collecting, optimizing, and registering the vast amount of information generated in the infrastructure life cycle and maintenance cycle, and systematically and efficiently manage road infrastructure data (data management).
Research and Development of Road Maintenance Technology
Realization and promotion of inspection/survey technology, repair/reinforcement technology, disaster prevention technology, and digital transformation (DX).
Public Awareness Activity of Technical Infomation
For the purpose of dissemination and development of technical information, we hold technical lectures, construction safety management seminars, and study sessions, and operate research committees.

Certification of Inspection Engineer
With the aim of securing an inspection system and improving the skills of inspection engineers, we provide technical training session and certify Inspection Engineer for Urban Road Structures.

Technical Consulting
Utilizing the technology and know-how that we have accumulated so far, we also provide technical consulting services for the road administrators of which such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, local governments, and public corporations, and also the bridges overseas